PICTURES: Cadets celebrate achievements ahead of coronavirus ‘lockdown’

Cadets complete St Johns Youth First AidCadets complete St Johns Youth First Aid
Cadets complete St Johns Youth First Aid
Louth Air Cadets were pleased to celebrate their achievements at their annual presentation evening last month, just days before residents were advised against non-essential contact due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Officer Commanding at 1228 (Louth) Squadron, Flying Officer Michael Armitage, said the cadets enjoyed a ‘timely celebration’ on March 13, as the squadron is now unable to meet until late August due to the restrictions which were put in place just three days after the presentation night.

Fg Off Armitage said: “It was a very successful night, and we had 19 of the total 22 cadets, and their families, in attendance on the evening.

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“The staff take great pride in the cadets. We are pleased we got in just in time!”

Sgt Storr Cadet of the Year and Chairmans Attendance with Chair Nathan Whitfield EMN-200330-145316001Sgt Storr Cadet of the Year and Chairmans Attendance with Chair Nathan Whitfield EMN-200330-145316001
Sgt Storr Cadet of the Year and Chairmans Attendance with Chair Nathan Whitfield EMN-200330-145316001

He added that cadets are keeping up to date thanks to the introduction of ‘virtual parade nights’, and said that this is allowing cadets to develops skills such as first aid, aircraft recognition, and the bronze communication cyber-badge during their absence.

The Mayor of Louth Fran Treanor presented the awards, while local councillors Ros Jackson and Lynne Cooney helped with the raffle.

Youngsters from age 12 (and in Year 8 or above) are welcome to join. For details, visit