Environment - Green awards

Ben Fogle EMN-170427-095925001Ben Fogle EMN-170427-095925001
Ben Fogle EMN-170427-095925001
I was fortunate enough to spend much of my childhood outside '“ from making mud pies with friends to exploring the countryside with my parents. My love for nature and the environment is something I now share with my own children.

I am passionate that all young people should have the chance to explore their connections with nature – and I want to celebrate those who are already going above and beyond for our planet. That’s why, as a WWF ambassador and keen environmentalist, I’m proud to be involved in the Green Ambassador Awards this year.

Along with WWF and People’s Postcode Lottery, I’m on a quest to find sustainability champions within UK primary schools. The Green Ambassador Awards are a great opportunity to recognise the pupils, teachers and schools that put the environment at the heart of what they do. That’s why I’m calling on schools, teachers, parents and children to help us find those champions who are going above and beyond to help protect the planet.

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To find out more and to enter the Green Ambassador Awards, visit: wwf.org.uk/gaawards17

The lucky school award winners will each receive £1,000, and the runners-up £500, to help boost the green projects, thanks to players of People Postcode Lottery.

Children really are the future. Connecting them with nature and inspiring them to protect our environment is crucial and indeed, they can inspire us all to do even more too.

Ben Fogle