Thousands set to head to Boston this week for giant Bike Night

Boston bike nightBoston bike night
Boston bike night
Thousands of people are expected to visit Boston Bike Night this week.

The event - described as the largest motorcycle event in South Lincolnshire - will see motorbikes, scooters, trikes and sidecars descend on its new venue in Central Park.

Boston Borough Council say not only is the event a Mecca for riders and fans of motorcycles, it is also a great family night out.

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The event started 21 years years ago, when a group of Boston motorcycle Riders Association members decided to organise a meet up of friends and associates from other motorcycle clubs in the centre of Boston.

Organisers since then have maintained the principle that that the evening should be free to all who attend, and it should be about motorcycles and, it will never be about profit.

Boston Bike Night Committee, a group of volunteers who are also Boston motorcycle riders, who now run the event, continue to hold to this idea, in spite of the increase in numbers attending and the increase in red tape attached to such events.

It is due to get underway at around 4pm on Thursday, July 5, and runs until 10pm.

If anyone is interested in helping or supporting in anyway, or wants more details about the event, go to or the group’s Facebook page.