Discover how libraries can change lives at events in Skegness

Skegness Library.Skegness Library.
Skegness Library.
Skegness Library is inviting readers to discover how the facility is changing lives as part of National Libraries Week.

A week of events centred around supporting their local communities are being organised to celebrate the nation's much-loved libraries.

This year's theme being the significant role that libraries play in their community as a driver for inclusion, sustainability, social mobility and community cohesion.

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Throughout the week libraries across the county will be inviting local communities to ‘Take Over’ and share their plans, good works and future activities through local events, signposting, information and coffee mornings.

So pop along and discover how your community can help you and how you can join in and help your local community too

Skegness Library will have the following groups and activities happening during Libraries Week, from October 4-9..

- Monday, October 4, 10am – noon: Who Do You Think You Are? Chance to have a go on the Ancestry website free at the library.

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- Thursday, October 7, 10.30am – 11am: Messy Morning for little ones, story time and fun play.

- Friday, October 8: Coffee Morning with the WI 10am – 11am. Come and find out all about this noble organisation.

Find out more about the services and activities that Skegness Library by visiting

Alternatively call 01522 782010 and keep up to date with the latest news and updates by following us at @lincslibraries

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Nicola Rogers, Partnership Manager of Lincolnshire Libraries for GLL said: “Libraries are about people, and helping them connect to the books, information, people and groups that will help them make a positive difference in their lives.

"We are delighted to be able to help local communities and groups share the good news of all they do and encourage others to join in and find out all that is happening in their

community through their local; library.”

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